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This meditation was created for those of you who find yourself facing darkness and fear that is rising up within. These thoughts and feelings are coming up because you are ready to process and transmute them, but first, they require your awareness.


This is not a typical meditation where you are asked to clear your mind. Instead, you will observe your thoughts and programming. We will begin by connecting to a presence of safety and unconditional love to help you feel safe and protected as you navigate spaces within you that you may have run away from in the past.


You will remain the neutral observer, beginning to detect what your thoughts have been trying to tell you and where they stem from. After observing, you will have the opportunity to let go of the distorted narratives and fear-based beliefs that have made a home in your mind. Through that presence of uncondtional love, you will send this energy back to source and free your mind.


You will then move into the body and have the opportunity to compassionately process and remove fear-based emotions that create tension in your body.


You will end the meditation with a powerful reclamation of your full power and connection to yourself.


Duration: 26 minutes

Transmute Fear & Access Your Full Power: Guided Meditation

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